Friday, April 22, 2011

Comfy broad.

This is my DNA bracelet. I'd like to present it as a symbol of how things are going with Mr. Librarian: bright, shiny, a little clingy, but it stretches to fit.

Biggest overreaction to a gift: him when I gave him the Gatorade I bought with my meal plan for him while he's recovering from nasal surgery this weekend. He hugged me like five times and then sent me a pun-riddled thank you text the next day at his lunchtime.
Weirdest parallel found so far between him and BF: the floorplans of their childhood houses. They're the same, because BF grew up in the same neighborhood. I didn't get dejavu until I went upstairs with Mr. Librarian and then BAM. I think there's even the same Bless This Home shell-colored framed needlepoint in the SAME CORNER.
Oddest turn-on discovered while snuggling and making out and groping fully clothed on his bed: A tie between whispering in his ear (he got this voracious look on his face and jumped me) and kneeing him in the groin (no, seriously. He told me to try it, so I did. Very gingerly. His face got this melty look that...well, frankly it made me want to jump him in turn.)
 Favorite poem from the poetry reading he invited me to last night: "Truck Driver Jesus."
Geekiest bonding moment: Sharing indignation at our governor's latest screw up. OR noticing how he leads with his chin when he nods and unconsciously doing the same thing while listening to his mom. OR discussing censorship in young adult books and whether that's a necessary thing or not (it's not. They've got to learn about the world somehow. Books're probably the safest way to do that). OR deciding we need more of each others' music snobbery in our lives.
Most alarming use of a word meaning commitment: when he talked about this aunt and uncle of his who always make him feel like a geek. "If they were coming over tonight, I could go, 'Look at my girlfriend! Who's a geek now?' " I let it pass because he was joking, mostly, I think, and he didn't bring it up again.
I'm kind of gun shy about that word right this second.  
But: Best part about last night: realizing we both like each other a lot. I know, BIG SURPRISE ENDING.

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